Inspection Dashboard


No. of Establishments to be Inspected by Commissionerate of Labour


No. of Establishments to be Inspected by Inspectorate of Factories

The dashboard shown is updated on a real-time basis.
Particulars Details
Total Number of inspections conducted 13
Total Number of companies that provided self-certifications and were exempted from inspections 0
Total Number of companies that provided third party certifications and were exempted from inspections 0

Department Wise Inspection Data

Departments Assigned for Inspection Completed Inspection Average Time Taken Median Time Taken
Inspectorate of factories 0 3 33 33
Commissionerate of Labour 41 10 21 18
Inspectorate of Boilers 0 0 0 0
Pollution Control Board Assam 0 0 0 0
Controller of Legal Metrology 0 0 0 0

The dashboard is real time, Last Updated on, , 12:00 AM
Slno Department Name Service Name Total No. Inspections Triggered Total Number
of Inspections
Total Number
of Inspections
Average Time
Taken to
Completed Inspection
Median Time
Taken to
Completed Inspection
Minimum Time
Taken to
Completed Inspection
Maximum Time
Taken to
Completed Inspection
Average Fee
Taken by
the Deparment for completion of entire process of Completing Inspection
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